This blog is about life with my husband who was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's and Frontal Lobe Dementia in 2008. He was 64 at the time although now, knowing more about the disease, Alzheimer's was present many, many years ago, which is why early detection is so important. As you read the blog the character "Al" that I created in 2008, represents the way that Alzheimer's is invading our daily lives.
There is an archive tab further down the page that starts from the beginning of our journey.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Living with Bob and "Al"

Sheri was driving home yesterday, after picking the boys up from "work" (code for Adult Day Center), when "Al" told Sheri to "pull over because he needed to use the restroom." Well that would have been fine if they had been on some lone country road, but they weren't, they were on a highway. Sheri glanced around for the nearest gas station, exist, anything that might be close, but there was nothing. in fact the traffic came to a dead stop. Sheri, trying to reassure him said "well, we are almost home" (not even close). Then while stopped in traffic Sheri sees Bob scanning past the retainer walls to the grassy area and "Al" says "I am just going to hop out on run over there to go to the bathroom" as he reaches for the car door handle. Sheri's heart was racing as she realized what he was about to do. Sheri yells "no you can't do that" and reaches on her side and locks the door from her panel. Bob turned to her and said "Why not?"  Sheri had to pause breathe deep , and then realized nothing she said was going to make sense to someone who's reasoning button is broken. "Al" may be sitting in the back seat from now on where the childproof locks are.
Sheri HATES this disease.

1 comment:

  1. I also had to move my Bob to the back sit for a little while. As soon as he couldnt figure out the door handles or seat belts He got to move back up front. He actually wanted to stay in the back and be "Chauffeured".
